
Dr. Vincent Passarelli is a licensed Clinical Psychologist specializing in adolescent and adult psychotherapy. He has an extensive research background in mood and anxiety disorders, personality development, childhood and adolescent resilience, and the effects of intergenerational trauma. As a researcher and clinical psychologist he has collaborated on over two hundred research publications.

Dr. Passarelli has been employed as an expert psychologist and consultant by hospitals, clinical research organizations and academic institutions. He has been as a clinical psychologist and researcher for more than twenty years and provides Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), and psychodynamic therapy. He works with individuals, couples and families and has worked extensively with a wide-range of clients.

Things to consider and ask about prior to therapy:

  • "How therapy works"

  • "When is the right time to start therapy"

  • "How to choose the right therapist for you"

  • “How to decide which type of therapy is best for you”

  • "How to decide the goals you want to achieve"



Dr. Passarelli's office is located in downtown Manhattan. It is located one block from several train stations (B-D-F-M-N-R-6 trains) at: 100 Crosby St, New York, NY 10012.